Craps 6 And 8 Bets

Posted By admin On 09/04/22

Craps seems like a complicated game because there are so many terms and slang for different bets. Learning the lingo can help you understand the game.

  • 2-Way: Player betting one roll wager for himself AND the dealers.
  • 3-Way Craps: A bet made in units of 3 with one unit on 2, one unit on 3, and one unit on 12.
  • Aces: Betting that the next roll will be the total sum of 2. Also called Snake Eyes.
  • Any Craps: A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, or 12.
  • Any Seven: A bet that the next roll will be 7.
  • Big Red: Another word for seven. Players will not use the world seven at the table.
  • Black: Dealer slang for $100 gaming chips which in most casinos are black.
  • Bones: Another name for dice.
  • Boxcars: Slang for the 12. Also called midnight.
  • Boxman: Table supervisor who sits between the dealers and opposite the stickman.
  • Box Numbers: These are the place bet numbers; 4-5-6-8-9-10.
  • Boys or The Boys: Slang for the Dealers.
  • Cold Dice: Expression used to describe the table when no one is making their point.
  • Color In: What you say when cashing out smaller valued chips for larger valued chips when leaving the craps table.
  • Come bet: A bet made after the point is established. It is exactly like a pass line bet.
  • Come out roll: The first roll of the dice to establish a point. ​
  • Comp: Complimentary or freebies provided to players based on their action.
  • Crap Numbers: The numbers 2,3 and 12.
  • Craps Check: Betting on any craps during the come out roll to hedge your pass line bet.
  • Don't Come bet: A don't pass bet made after the point is established.
  • Don't Pass bet: A bet that the shooter will not make his point.
  • Double odds: An odds bet that is twice the size of the original pass/come bet. Some casinos offer higher odds.
  • Eye in the Sky: Surveillance department or the cameras in the ceiling to watch the players and dealers.
  • Front Line: Another name for a pass line bet.
  • Garden: Slang for the field bet.
  • George: A player who is a good tipper.
  • Green: Dealer slang for $25 gaming chips which in most casinos are green.
  • Hard Way: A bet on 4, 6, 8, or 10 that wins only if the dice roll as pairs; 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5.
  • Hi-Lo: A one roll bet on 2 & 12
  • Hi-Lo-Yo: A one roll bet on 2,12 & 11.
  • Hop bet: A bet that the next roll will result in one particular combination of the dice, such as; 3-5. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 etc.
  • Horn bet: A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 11, or 12, made in multiples of 4, with one unit on each of the numbers.
  • Horn High bet: A bet made in multiples of 5 with one unit on 3 of the horn numbers, and two units on the 'high' number (number 12).
  • Hot Dice or Hot Table: When players are winning or a player is rolling a lot of numbers.
  • Inside Numbers: Place bets on the numbers 5-6 -8-9
  • Lay bet: A bet that a 7 will be rolled before the number you are placing (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) comes up.
  • Lay-Out: The printed area on the felt where wagers can be placed.
  • Lay Odds: After a point has been established an additional odds bet can be made that will win if the original don't pass bet wins.
  • Little Joe: Slang for a pair of twos or Hard 4.
  • Marker: The plastic disk used to mark the point. One side is printed “on” and the other “off”.
  • Mark the Point: The dealer puts the Puck on the layout to indicate the point number.
  • Midnight: Slang for the 12. Also called box cars.
  • Natural: A seven or 11 thrown on the come out roll for a winning bet.
  • One Roll Bet: A bet in craps that is one or lost in a single roll. ​
  • Odds Bet: An additional wager made in addition to the pass line bet.
  • Off: What you say to indicate that they are not active on the next roll of the dice.
  • Off and On: Refers to the way that Dealers pays off COME BETS when a new come bet is the same number as one already established.
  • On: This means that your bets are working or in action.
  • Outside Numbers: Place bets on the 4-10 –5-9.
  • Parlay: Adding your winnings to an original bet and wagering it all. ​
  • Pass Line Bet: A wager made on the come out roll in which you are betting that the shooter will make the point.
  • Place bet: A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will be rolled before a 7 is rolled.
  • Point: The number established by the come out roll.
  • Proposition Bet: A wager on one of the bets in the center of the layout.
  • Right Better: A player with a bet on the pass line.
  • Rack: The grooved rail where you keep your chips.
  • Seven Out: Expression when a shooter rolls a seven before making their point thus losing the pass line bet.
  • Shooter: The player rolling the dice.
  • Snake Eyes: Slang for the number 2. Also called aces.
  • Stickman: The dealer with the stick that pushed the dice to the shooter and calls the rolls.
  • Toke: Another word for a tip.
  • World Bet: A bet on the horn numbers along with any seven. (2-3-11-12)
  • Wrong Bettor: A player betting against the shooter.
  • Yo or Yo-leven: The word used for rolling an eleven so as to not confuse it with “seven.”

Progress Publishing Co.

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From Chapter 2

Craps: 6 and 8 Place Bet Strategies It’s no surprise that multitudes of strategies have been developed around place betting the (6) & (8) as these numbers give the craps player one of the be best advantages of beating the casinos. First of all, both the (6) and the (8) are the numbers likely to roll most often, next to the (7). The big 6 and big 8 bets in craps are situated at both ends of the craps table. The big 6 bet is a wager predicting that a 6 will be rolled out before a 7. While the big 8 bet predicts that an 8 will be rolled before a 7. It is important to note that if any other number is rolled, it will not affect the overall result of the dice roll.

Craps Place Bets and Big 6 and Big 8 Bets

Craps 6 And 8 BetsBet


Craps 6 And 8 Bets Rules

    In This Chapter

  • Craps Personnel
  • Flow of the Craps game
  • Dice totals and their frequencies, probabilities and odds
  • Craps Bets


Place Bets

The Place bets are among the most popular Craps bets for a right bettor. They can be made at any time. To make, for ex, a Place bet on 6 you have to tell the dealer: “Place the 6”, or “Cover the 6”. The dealer will place your chips in the designated area inside the box with the number 6. You win your place bet that you can make on any point number – a 4,5,6,8,9 or 10, – if a point number repeats before a 7 is thrown. You lose if a 7 is tossed before a point comes up.

If you place a 4 or 10, the correct odds for those numbers are 2 to 1 against, because there are only three ways to roll them against six ways to throw a 7. The house payoffs, however, are made at only 9 to 5 ratio. The difference between the correct odds ratio and the payoff ratio gives the house the advantage of 6.67% against the player. If the payoff was 10 to 5 (the correct odds), then the Place bets would be the even proposition bets.

The correct odds for the Place bets on a 5 or 9 are 3 to 2, but the payoffs are only 7 to 5. In result, the house has the advantage of 4%. The correct odds for the Place bets on a 6 or 8 are 6 to 5, but the payoffs are made at 7 to 6. That difference gives the house the edge of 1.52% over the player.

In order to get full payoffs on the Place bets on a 4 (or 10) and a 5 (or 9), your bets should be in increments of $5, because the payoffs are 9 to 5 and 7 to 5 respectively. If you place a 6 or 8, your bets should be in multiples of 6 due to the payoff of 7 to 6.

Some players like to place bets on the “inside numbers” – a 5,6,8 and 9. Other players prefer “outside numbers” – a 4,5,9 and 10. Aggressive players place bets “across the board” and cover all the numbers at the same time – a 4,5,6,8,9 and 10.

A player can request the Place bets to be “off” for one or more rolls. They can also be removed, reduced or increased at any time. All Place bets are “off” on a come out roll – if a 7 is thrown, you don’t loose your bets. If you want your bets working on a come out roll, you must tell the dealer: ”Place bets are “on” on the come out”.

Big 6 and Big 8

These two Craps bets are similar to the Place bets on a 6 and 8. Big 6 and Big 8 bets can be made at any time including a come out roll. You can increase, reduce or remove Big 6 and Big 8 bets at any moment prior to a roll.

Big 6 and Big 8 win if a 6 and 8 repeat before a 7 is rolled. If a 7 is tossed before the numbers come up, you lose the Big 6 and Big 8. The difference between them and the Place bets on a 6 and 8 is in the amount of the payoff. The correct odds for a 6 and 8 to beat a 7 is 6 to 5 against them. The payoff for the winning Place bets is 7 to 6, but the payoff for the Big 6 and Big 8 in Las Vegas casinos is made at even money. In result, the house edge is raised to 9.09% instead of 1.52% given to the house by the Place bets. Thus, if you want to cover a 6 or 8, it’s better to place them than bet on the Big 6 and Big 8. In Atlantic City the Big 6 and Big 8 are paid at 7 to 6 ratio and that makes them identical to the Place bets on a 6 and 8.

Craps 6 And 8 Bets Odds

Copyright Progress Publishing 1998